
648540858 2024-08-13 17:57:25 +08:00
parent 213b218efa
commit ad240ba9a4
7 changed files with 490 additions and 385 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.StreamInfo;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.bean.MediaServer;
import lombok.Data;
public class CommonChannelPlayInfo {
private StreamInfo streamInfo;
private MediaServer mediaServer;
public static CommonChannelPlayInfo build(MediaServer mediaServer, StreamInfo data) {
CommonChannelPlayInfo commonChannelPlayInfo = new CommonChannelPlayInfo();
return commonChannelPlayInfo;

View File

@ -119,14 +119,13 @@ public class PlayController {
// 录像查询以channelId作为deviceId查询
resultHolder.put(key, uuid, result);
playService.play(newMediaServerItem, deviceId, channelId, null, (code, msg, data) -> {
playService.play(newMediaServerItem, deviceId, channelId, null, (code, msg, streamInfo) -> {
WVPResult<StreamContent> wvpResult = new WVPResult<>();
if (code == InviteErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
if (data != null) {
StreamInfo streamInfo = (StreamInfo)data;
if (streamInfo != null) {
if (userSetting.getUseSourceIpAsStreamIp()) {
String host;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.service;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.StreamInfo;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean.*;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.ErrorCallback;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;
@ -80,5 +79,5 @@ public interface IGbChannelService {
CommonGBChannel queryOneWithPlatform(Integer platformId, String channelDeviceId);
void start(CommonGBChannel channel, ErrorCallback<StreamInfo> callback);
void start(CommonGBChannel channel, ErrorCallback<CommonChannelPlayInfo> callback);

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public interface IPlayService {
void play(MediaServer mediaServerItem, SSRCInfo ssrcInfo, Device device, DeviceChannel channelId,
ErrorCallback<Object> callback);
SSRCInfo play(MediaServer mediaServerItem, String deviceId, String channelId, String ssrc, ErrorCallback<Object> callback);
SSRCInfo play(MediaServer mediaServerItem, String deviceId, String channelId, String ssrc, ErrorCallback<StreamInfo> callback);
StreamInfo onPublishHandlerForPlay(MediaServer mediaServerItem, MediaInfo mediaInfo, String deviceId, String channelId);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.service.impl;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.StreamInfo;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.UserSetting;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.exception.ControllerException;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean.*;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.dao.CommonGBChannelMapper;
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.event.EventPublisher;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.event.subscribe.catalog.CatalogEvent;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.service.IDeviceService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.service.IGbChannelService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.service.IPlayService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.bean.MediaServer;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.ErrorCallback;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.utils.DateUtil;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.vmanager.bean.ErrorCode;
@ -41,12 +43,18 @@ public class GbChannelServiceImpl implements IGbChannelService {
private IDeviceService deviceService;
private IPlayService playService;
private RegionMapper regionMapper;
private GroupMapper groupMapper;
private UserSetting userSetting;
public CommonGBChannel queryByDeviceId(String gbDeviceId) {
return commonGBChannelMapper.queryByDeviceId(gbDeviceId);
@ -646,16 +654,34 @@ public class GbChannelServiceImpl implements IGbChannelService {
public void start(CommonGBChannel channel, ErrorCallback<StreamInfo> callback) {
public void start(CommonGBChannel channel, ErrorCallback<CommonChannelPlayInfo> callback) {
log.info("[点播通用通道] 通道: {}({})", channel.getGbName(), channel.getGbDeviceId());
if (channel.getGbDeviceDbId() > 0) {
// 国标通道
Device device = deviceService.getDevice(channel.getGbDeviceDbId());
if (device == null) {
log.warn("[点播] 未找到通道{}的设备信息", channel);
throw new PlayException(Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR, "serverInternalError");
throw new PlayException(Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR, "server internal error");
MediaServer mediaServer = playService.getNewMediaServerItem(device);
if (mediaServer == null) {
log.warn("[点播] 未找到可用媒体节点");
throw new PlayException(Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR, "server internal error");
playService.play(mediaServer, device.getDeviceId(), channel.getGbDeviceId(), null, (code, msg, data) -> {
if (callback != null) {
callback.run(code, msg, CommonChannelPlayInfo.build(mediaServer, data));
}else if (channel.getStreamProxyId() > 0){
// 拉流代理
}else if (channel.getStreamPushId() > 0) {
// 推流
}else {
// 通道数据异常
log.error("[点播通用通道] 通道数据异常,无法识别通道来源: {}({})", channel.getGbName(), channel.getGbDeviceId());
throw new PlayException(Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR, "server internal error");

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.transmit.event.request.impl;
import com.alibaba.fastjson2.JSON;
import com.alibaba.fastjson2.JSONObject;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.InviteSessionType;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.StreamInfo;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.VideoManagerConstants;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.DynamicTask;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.SipConfig;
@ -29,19 +28,13 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.event.hook.HookSubscribe;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.event.hook.HookType;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.service.IMediaServerService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.zlm.SendRtpPortManager;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.ErrorCallback;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.InviteErrorCode;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.MessageForPushChannel;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.SSRCInfo;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.redisMsg.IRedisRpcService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.redisMsg.RedisPushStreamResponseListener;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.storager.IRedisCatchStorage;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.storager.IVideoManagerStorage;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.streamProxy.bean.StreamProxy;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.streamProxy.service.IStreamProxyService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.streamPush.bean.StreamPush;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.streamPush.service.IStreamPushService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.utils.DateUtil;
import gov.nist.javax.sdp.TimeDescriptionImpl;
import gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields.TimeField;
import gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields.URIField;
@ -63,7 +56,6 @@ import javax.sip.header.CallIdHeader;
import javax.sip.message.Response;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Vector;
@ -168,6 +160,7 @@ public class InviteRequestProcessor extends SIPRequestProcessorParent implements
if (platform == null) {
inviteFromDeviceHandle(request, inviteInfo.getRequesterId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());
} else {
// 查询平台下是否有该通道
CommonGBChannel channel= channelService.queryOneWithPlatform(platform.getId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());
if (channel == null) {
@ -180,402 +173,433 @@ public class InviteRequestProcessor extends SIPRequestProcessorParent implements
log.info("[上级Invite] 平台:{} 通道:{}({}), 收流地址:{}:{},收流方式:{}, 点播类型:{}, ssrc{}",
platform.getName(), channel.getGbName(), channel.getGbDeviceDbId(), inviteInfo.getIp(),
inviteInfo.getPort(), inviteInfo.isTcp()?(inviteInfo.isTcpActive()?"TCP主动":"TCP被动"): "UDP",
inviteInfo.getSessionName(), inviteInfo.getSsrc());
// 通道存在发100TRYING
try {
responseAck(request, Response.TRYING);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite TRYING: {}", e.getMessage());
log.error("[命令发送失败] 上级Invite TRYING: {}", e.getMessage());
channelService.start(channel, ((code, msg, data) -> {
channelService.start(channel, ((code, msg, commonChannelPlayInfo) -> {
if (code != Response.OK) {
try {
responseAck(request, code, msg);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] 点播失败: {}", e.getMessage());
log.error("[命令发送失败] 上级Invite 点播失败: {}", e.getMessage());
}else {
// 点播成功, TODO 可以在此处检测cancel命令是否存在存在则不发送
// 构建sendRTP内容
SendRtpItem sendRtpItem = mediaServerService.createSendRtpItem(commonChannelPlayInfo.getMediaServer(),
inviteInfo.getIp(), inviteInfo.getPort(), inviteInfo.getSsrc(), platform.getServerGBId(),
commonChannelPlayInfo.getStreamInfo().getApp(), commonChannelPlayInfo.getStreamInfo().getStream(),
channel.getGbDeviceId(), inviteInfo.isTcp(), platform.isRtcp());
if (inviteInfo.isTcp() && inviteInfo.isTcpActive()) {
if (channel.getGbDeviceDbId() > 0) {
Device device = deviceService.getDevice(channel.getGbDeviceDbId());
if (device == null) {
log.warn("点播平台{}的通道{}时未找到设备信息", requesterId, channel);
try {
responseAck(request, Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 未找到设备信息: {}", e.getMessage());
} catch (SdpException e) {
// 参数不全, 发400请求错误
try {
responseAck(request, Response.BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite BAD_REQUEST: {}", e.getMessage());
} catch (InviteDecodeException e) {
try {
responseAck(request, e.getCode(), e.getMsg());
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite BAD_REQUEST: {}", e.getMessage());
}catch (PlayException e) {
try {
responseAck(request, e.getCode(), e.getMsg());
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 点播失败: {}", e.getMessage());
// Invite Request消息实现此消息一般为级联消息上级给下级发送请求视频指令
try {
// 查询请求是否来自上级平台\设备
Platform platform = storager.queryParentPlatByServerGBId(requesterId);
if (platform == null) {
inviteFromDeviceHandle(request, requesterId, channelId);
} else {
// 查询平台下是否有该通道
CommonGBChannel channel= channelService.queryOneWithPlatform(platform.getId(), channelId);
MediaServer mediaServerItem = null;
StreamPush streamPushItem = null;
StreamProxy proxyByAppAndStream = null;
if (channel == null) {
log.info("[上级INVITE] 通道不存在返回404: {}", channelId);
try {
// 通道不存在发404资源不存在
responseAck(request, Response.NOT_FOUND);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 通道不存在: {}", e.getMessage());
// 通道存在发100TRYING
try {
responseAck(request, Response.TRYING);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite TRYING: {}", e.getMessage());
Device device = null;
// 通过 channel 和 gbStream 是否为null 值判断来源是直播流合适国标
if (channel != null) {
device = storager.queryVideoDeviceByPlatformIdAndChannelId(requesterId, channelId);
if (device == null) {
log.warn("点播平台{}的通道{}时未找到设备信息", requesterId, channel);
try {
responseAck(request, Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 未找到设备信息: {}", e.getMessage());
mediaServerItem = playService.getNewMediaServerItem(device);
if (mediaServerItem == null) {
try {
responseAck(request, Response.BUSY_HERE);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite BUSY_HERE: {}", e.getMessage());
String ssrc;
if (userSetting.getUseCustomSsrcForParentInvite() || gb28181Sdp.getSsrc() == null) {
// 上级平台点播时不使用上级平台指定的ssrc使用自定义的ssrc参考国标文档-点播外域设备媒体流SSRC处理方式
ssrc = "Play".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName) ? ssrcFactory.getPlaySsrc(mediaServerItem.getId()) : ssrcFactory.getPlayBackSsrc(mediaServerItem.getId());
}else {
ssrc = gb28181Sdp.getSsrc();
String streamTypeStr = null;
if (mediaTransmissionTCP) {
if (tcpActive) {
streamTypeStr = "TCP-ACTIVE";
} else {
streamTypeStr = "TCP-PASSIVE";
} else {
streamTypeStr = "UDP";
log.info("[上级Invite] {}, 平台:{} 通道:{}, 收流地址:{}:{},收流方式:{}, ssrc{}",
sessionName, username, channelId, addressStr, port, streamTypeStr, ssrc);
SendRtpItem sendRtpItem = mediaServerService.createSendRtpItem(mediaServerItem, addressStr, port, ssrc, requesterId,
device.getDeviceId(), channelId, mediaTransmissionTCP, platform.isRtcp());
if (tcpActive != null) {
if (sendRtpItem == null) {
try {
responseAck(request, Response.BUSY_HERE);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 服务器端口资源不足: {}", e.getMessage());
sendRtpItem.setPlayType("Play".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName) ? InviteStreamType.PLAY : InviteStreamType.PLAYBACK);
Long finalStartTime = startTime;
Long finalStopTime = stopTime;
ErrorCallback<Object> hookEvent = (code, msg, data) -> {
StreamInfo streamInfo = (StreamInfo)data;
MediaServer mediaServerItemInUSe = mediaServerService.getOne(streamInfo.getMediaServerId());
log.info("[上级Invite]下级已经开始推流。 回复200OK(SDP) {}/{}", streamInfo.getApp(), streamInfo.getStream());
// * 0 等待设备推流上来
// * 1 下级已经推流等待上级平台回复ack
// * 2 推流中
sendRtpItem.setPlayType("Play".equalsIgnoreCase(inviteInfo.getSessionName()) ? InviteStreamType.PLAY : InviteStreamType.PLAYBACK);
String sdpIp = mediaServerItemInUSe.getSdpIp();
String sdpIp = commonChannelPlayInfo.getMediaServer().getSdpIp();
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(platform.getSendStreamIp())) {
sdpIp = platform.getSendStreamIp();
StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(200);
content.append("o=" + channelId + " 0 0 IN IP4 " + sdpIp + "\r\n");
content.append("s=" + sessionName + "\r\n");
content.append("c=IN IP4 " + sdpIp + "\r\n");
if ("Playback".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName)) {
content.append("t=" + finalStartTime + " " + finalStopTime + "\r\n");
} else {
content.append("t=0 0\r\n");
int localPort = sendRtpItem.getLocalPort();
if (localPort == 0) {
// 非严格模式端口不统一, 增加兼容性修改为一个不为0的端口
localPort = new Random().nextInt(65535) + 1;
if (sendRtpItem.isTcp()) {
content.append("m=video " + localPort + " TCP/RTP/AVP 96\r\n");
if (!sendRtpItem.isTcpActive()) {
} else {
}else {
content.append("m=video " + localPort + " RTP/AVP 96\r\n");
content.append("a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n");
content.append("y=" + sendRtpItem.getSsrc() + "\r\n");
try {
String content = createSendSdp(sendRtpItem, inviteInfo, sdpIp);
// 超时未收到Ack应该回复bye,当前等待时间为10秒
dynamicTask.startDelay(callIdHeader.getCallId(), () -> {
dynamicTask.startDelay(inviteInfo.getCallId(), () -> {
log.info("Ack 等待超时");
mediaServerService.releaseSsrc(mediaServerItemInUSe.getId(), sendRtpItem.getSsrc());
mediaServerService.releaseSsrc(commonChannelPlayInfo.getMediaServer().getId(), sendRtpItem.getSsrc());
// 回复bye
try {
cmderFroPlatform.streamByeCmd(platform, callIdHeader.getCallId());
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] 国标级联 发送BYE: {}", e.getMessage());
sendBye(platform, inviteInfo.getCallId());
}, 60 * 1000);
responseSdpAck(request, content.toString(), platform);
try {
responseSdpAck(request, content, platform);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] 上级Invite 发送 200SDP: {}", e.getMessage());
// tcp主动模式回复sdp后开启监听
if (sendRtpItem.isTcpActive()) {
MediaServer mediaServer = mediaServerService.getOne(sendRtpItem.getMediaServerId());
try {
mediaServerService.startSendRtpPassive(mediaServer, sendRtpItem, 5);
redisCatchStorage.sendPlatformStartPlayMsg(sendRtpItem, platform);
}catch (ControllerException e) {}
}catch (ControllerException e) {
log.warn("[上级Invite] tcp主动模式 发流失败", e);
sendBye(platform, inviteInfo.getCallId());
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] 国标级联 回复SdpAck", e);
ErrorCallback<Object> errorEvent = ((statusCode, msg, data) -> {
log.info("[上级Invite] {}, 失败, 平台:{} 通道:{}, code {} msg{}", sessionName, username, channelId, statusCode, msg);
// 未知错误。直接转发设备点播的错误
try {
Response response = getMessageFactory().createResponse(statusCode, evt.getRequest());
sipSender.transmitRequest(request.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(), response);
} catch (ParseException | SipException e) {
log.error("未处理的异常 ", e);
if ("Playback".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName)) {
String startTimeStr = DateUtil.urlFormatter.format(start);
String endTimeStr = DateUtil.urlFormatter.format(end);
String stream = device.getDeviceId() + "_" + channelId + "_" + startTimeStr + "_" + endTimeStr;
int tcpMode = device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-ACTIVE")? 2: (device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-PASSIVE")? 1:0);
SSRCInfo ssrcInfo = mediaServerService.openRTPServer(mediaServerItem, stream, null,
device.isSsrcCheck(), true, 0,false,!channel.isHasAudio(), false, tcpMode);
// 写入redis 超时时回复
playService.playBack(mediaServerItem, ssrcInfo, device.getDeviceId(), channelId, DateUtil.formatter.format(start),
(code, msg, data) -> {
if (code == InviteErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
hookEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else if (code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_SIGNALLING_TIMEOUT.getCode() || code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT.getCode()) {
log.info("[录像回放]超时, 用户:{} 通道:{}", username, channelId);
redisCatchStorage.deleteSendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, callIdHeader.getCallId(), null);
errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else {
errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else if ("Download".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName)) {
// 获取指定的下载速度
Vector sdpMediaDescriptions = sdp.getMediaDescriptions(true);
MediaDescription mediaDescription = null;
String downloadSpeed = "1";
if (sdpMediaDescriptions.size() > 0) {
mediaDescription = (MediaDescription) sdpMediaDescriptions.get(0);
if (mediaDescription != null) {
downloadSpeed = mediaDescription.getAttribute("downloadspeed");
int tcpMode = device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-ACTIVE")? 2: (device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-PASSIVE")? 1:0);
SSRCInfo ssrcInfo = mediaServerService.openRTPServer(mediaServerItem, null, null,
device.isSsrcCheck(), true, 0, false,!channel.isHasAudio(), false, tcpMode);
// 写入redis 超时时回复
playService.download(mediaServerItem, ssrcInfo, device.getDeviceId(), channelId, DateUtil.formatter.format(start),
DateUtil.formatter.format(end), Integer.parseInt(downloadSpeed),
(code, msg, data) -> {
if (code == InviteErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
hookEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else if (code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_SIGNALLING_TIMEOUT.getCode() || code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT.getCode()) {
log.info("[录像下载]超时, 用户:{} 通道:{}", username, channelId);
redisCatchStorage.deleteSendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, callIdHeader.getCallId(), null);
errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else {
errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else {
String streamId = String.format("%s_%s", device.getDeviceId(), channelId);
SSRCInfo ssrcInfo = playService.play(mediaServerItem, device.getDeviceId(), channelId, ssrc, ((code, msg, data) -> {
if (code == InviteErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
hookEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else if (code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_SIGNALLING_TIMEOUT.getCode() || code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT.getCode()) {
log.info("[上级点播]超时, 用户:{} 通道:{}", username, channelId);
redisCatchStorage.deleteSendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, callIdHeader.getCallId(), null);
errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else {
errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
} else if (gbStream != null) {
SendRtpItem sendRtpItem = new SendRtpItem();
if (!userSetting.getUseCustomSsrcForParentInvite() && gb28181Sdp.getSsrc() != null) {
if (tcpActive != null) {
// 清理可能存在的缓存避免用到旧的数据
List<SendRtpItem> sendRtpItemList = redisCatchStorage.querySendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, gbStream.getStream());
if (!sendRtpItemList.isEmpty()) {
for (SendRtpItem rtpItem : sendRtpItemList) {
if ("push".equals(gbStream.getStreamType())) {
if (streamPushItem != null) {
// 从redis查询是否正在接收这个推流
MediaInfo mediaInfo = redisCatchStorage.getPushListItem(gbStream.getApp(), gbStream.getStream());
if (mediaInfo != null) {
// 开始推流
sendPushStream(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
}else {
if (!platform.isStartOfflinePush()) {
// 平台设置中关闭了拉起离线的推流则直接回复
try {
log.info("[上级点播] 失败推流设备未推流channel: {}, app: {}, stream: {}", sendRtpItem.getChannelId(), sendRtpItem.getApp(), sendRtpItem.getStream());
responseAck(request, Response.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, "channel stream not pushing");
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 通道未推流: {}", e.getMessage());
notifyPushStreamOnline(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
} else if ("proxy".equals(gbStream.getStreamType())) {
if (null != proxyByAppAndStream) {
if (sendRtpItem.getSsrc() == null) {
// 上级平台点播时不使用上级平台指定的ssrc使用自定义的ssrc参考国标文档-点播外域设备媒体流SSRC处理方式
String ssrc = "Play".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName) ? ssrcFactory.getPlaySsrc(mediaServerItem.getId()) : ssrcFactory.getPlayBackSsrc(mediaServerItem.getId());
MediaInfo mediaInfo = redisCatchStorage.getProxyStream(gbStream.getApp(), gbStream.getStream());
if (mediaInfo != null) {
sendProxyStream(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
} else {
notifyProxyStreamOnline(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
} catch (SdpParseException e) {
log.error("sdp解析错误", e);
} catch (SdpException e) {
log.error("未处理的异常 ", e);
// 参数不全, 发400请求错误
try {
responseAck(request, Response.BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException sendException) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite BAD_REQUEST: {}", sendException.getMessage());
} catch (InviteDecodeException e) {
try {
responseAck(request, e.getCode(), e.getMsg());
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException sendException) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite BAD_REQUEST: {}", sendException.getMessage());
}catch (PlayException e) {
try {
responseAck(request, e.getCode(), e.getMsg());
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException sendException) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 点播失败: {}", sendException.getMessage());
// // Invite Request消息实现此消息一般为级联消息上级给下级发送请求视频指令
// try {
// // 查询请求是否来自上级平台\设备
// Platform platform = storager.queryParentPlatByServerGBId(requesterId);
// if (platform == null) {
// inviteFromDeviceHandle(request, requesterId, channelId);
// } else {
// // 查询平台下是否有该通道
// CommonGBChannel channel= channelService.queryOneWithPlatform(platform.getId(), channelId);
// MediaServer mediaServerItem = null;
// StreamPush streamPushItem = null;
// StreamProxy proxyByAppAndStream = null;
// if (channel == null) {
// log.info("[上级INVITE] 通道不存在返回404: {}", channelId);
// try {
// // 通道不存在发404资源不存在
// responseAck(request, Response.NOT_FOUND);
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 通道不存在: {}", e.getMessage());
// }
// return;
// }
// // 通道存在发100TRYING
// try {
// responseAck(request, Response.TRYING);
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] invite TRYING: {}", e.getMessage());
// }
// Device device = null;
// // 通过 channel 和 gbStream 是否为null 值判断来源是直播流合适国标
// if (channel != null) {
// device = storager.queryVideoDeviceByPlatformIdAndChannelId(requesterId, channelId);
// if (device == null) {
// log.warn("点播平台{}的通道{}时未找到设备信息", requesterId, channel);
// try {
// responseAck(request, Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR);
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 未找到设备信息: {}", e.getMessage());
// }
// return;
// }
// mediaServerItem = playService.getNewMediaServerItem(device);
// if (mediaServerItem == null) {
// log.warn("未找到可用的zlm");
// try {
// responseAck(request, Response.BUSY_HERE);
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] invite BUSY_HERE: {}", e.getMessage());
// }
// return;
// }
// String ssrc;
// if (userSetting.getUseCustomSsrcForParentInvite() || gb28181Sdp.getSsrc() == null) {
// // 上级平台点播时不使用上级平台指定的ssrc使用自定义的ssrc参考国标文档-点播外域设备媒体流SSRC处理方式
// ssrc = "Play".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName) ? ssrcFactory.getPlaySsrc(mediaServerItem.getId()) : ssrcFactory.getPlayBackSsrc(mediaServerItem.getId());
// }else {
// ssrc = gb28181Sdp.getSsrc();
// }
// String streamTypeStr = null;
// if (mediaTransmissionTCP) {
// if (tcpActive) {
// streamTypeStr = "TCP-ACTIVE";
// } else {
// streamTypeStr = "TCP-PASSIVE";
// }
// } else {
// streamTypeStr = "UDP";
// }
// SendRtpItem sendRtpItem = mediaServerService.createSendRtpItem(mediaServerItem, addressStr, port, ssrc, requesterId,
// device.getDeviceId(), channelId, mediaTransmissionTCP, platform.isRtcp());
// if (tcpActive != null) {
// sendRtpItem.setTcpActive(tcpActive);
// }
// if (sendRtpItem == null) {
// log.warn("服务器端口资源不足");
// try {
// responseAck(request, Response.BUSY_HERE);
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 服务器端口资源不足: {}", e.getMessage());
// }
// return;
// }
// sendRtpItem.setCallId(callIdHeader.getCallId());
// sendRtpItem.setPlayType("Play".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName) ? InviteStreamType.PLAY : InviteStreamType.PLAYBACK);
// Long finalStartTime = startTime;
// Long finalStopTime = stopTime;
// ErrorCallback<Object> hookEvent = (code, msg, data) -> {
// StreamInfo streamInfo = (StreamInfo)data;
// MediaServer mediaServerItemInUSe = mediaServerService.getOne(streamInfo.getMediaServerId());
// log.info("[上级Invite]下级已经开始推流。 回复200OK(SDP) {}/{}", streamInfo.getApp(), streamInfo.getStream());
// // * 0 等待设备推流上来
// // * 1 下级已经推流等待上级平台回复ack
// // * 2 推流中
// sendRtpItem.setStatus(1);
// redisCatchStorage.updateSendRTPSever(sendRtpItem);
// String sdpIp = mediaServerItemInUSe.getSdpIp();
// if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(platform.getSendStreamIp())) {
// sdpIp = platform.getSendStreamIp();
// }
// StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(200);
// content.append("v=0\r\n");
// content.append("o=" + channelId + " 0 0 IN IP4 " + sdpIp + "\r\n");
// content.append("s=" + sessionName + "\r\n");
// content.append("c=IN IP4 " + sdpIp + "\r\n");
// if ("Playback".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName)) {
// content.append("t=" + finalStartTime + " " + finalStopTime + "\r\n");
// } else {
// content.append("t=0 0\r\n");
// }
// int localPort = sendRtpItem.getLocalPort();
// if (localPort == 0) {
// // 非严格模式端口不统一, 增加兼容性修改为一个不为0的端口
// localPort = new Random().nextInt(65535) + 1;
// }
// if (sendRtpItem.isTcp()) {
// content.append("m=video " + localPort + " TCP/RTP/AVP 96\r\n");
// if (!sendRtpItem.isTcpActive()) {
// content.append("a=setup:active\r\n");
// } else {
// content.append("a=setup:passive\r\n");
// }
// }else {
// content.append("m=video " + localPort + " RTP/AVP 96\r\n");
// }
// content.append("a=sendonly\r\n");
// content.append("a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n");
// content.append("y=" + sendRtpItem.getSsrc() + "\r\n");
// content.append("f=\r\n");
// try {
// // 超时未收到Ack应该回复bye,当前等待时间为10秒
// dynamicTask.startDelay(callIdHeader.getCallId(), () -> {
// log.info("Ack 等待超时");
// mediaServerService.releaseSsrc(mediaServerItemInUSe.getId(), sendRtpItem.getSsrc());
// // 回复bye
// try {
// cmderFroPlatform.streamByeCmd(platform, callIdHeader.getCallId());
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] 国标级联 发送BYE: {}", e.getMessage());
// }
// }, 60 * 1000);
// responseSdpAck(request, content.toString(), platform);
// // tcp主动模式回复sdp后开启监听
// if (sendRtpItem.isTcpActive()) {
// MediaServer mediaServer = mediaServerService.getOne(sendRtpItem.getMediaServerId());
// try {
// mediaServerService.startSendRtpPassive(mediaServer, sendRtpItem, 5);
// redisCatchStorage.sendPlatformStartPlayMsg(sendRtpItem, platform);
// }catch (ControllerException e) {}
// }
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] 国标级联 回复SdpAck", e);
// }
// };
// ErrorCallback<Object> errorEvent = ((statusCode, msg, data) -> {
// log.info("[上级Invite] {}, 失败, 平台:{} 通道:{}, code {} msg{}", sessionName, username, channelId, statusCode, msg);
// // 未知错误。直接转发设备点播的错误
// try {
// Response response = getMessageFactory().createResponse(statusCode, evt.getRequest());
// sipSender.transmitRequest(request.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(), response);
// } catch (ParseException | SipException e) {
// log.error("未处理的异常 ", e);
// }
// });
// sendRtpItem.setApp("rtp");
// if ("Playback".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName)) {
// sendRtpItem.setPlayType(InviteStreamType.PLAYBACK);
// String startTimeStr = DateUtil.urlFormatter.format(start);
// String endTimeStr = DateUtil.urlFormatter.format(end);
// String stream = device.getDeviceId() + "_" + channelId + "_" + startTimeStr + "_" + endTimeStr;
// int tcpMode = device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-ACTIVE")? 2: (device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-PASSIVE")? 1:0);
// SSRCInfo ssrcInfo = mediaServerService.openRTPServer(mediaServerItem, stream, null,
// device.isSsrcCheck(), true, 0,false,!channel.isHasAudio(), false, tcpMode);
// sendRtpItem.setStream(stream);
// // 写入redis 超时时回复
// redisCatchStorage.updateSendRTPSever(sendRtpItem);
// playService.playBack(mediaServerItem, ssrcInfo, device.getDeviceId(), channelId, DateUtil.formatter.format(start),
// DateUtil.formatter.format(end),
// (code, msg, data) -> {
// if (code == InviteErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
// hookEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// } else if (code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_SIGNALLING_TIMEOUT.getCode() || code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT.getCode()) {
// log.info("[录像回放]超时, 用户:{} 通道:{}", username, channelId);
// redisCatchStorage.deleteSendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, callIdHeader.getCallId(), null);
// errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// } else {
// errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// }
// });
// } else if ("Download".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName)) {
// // 获取指定的下载速度
// Vector sdpMediaDescriptions = sdp.getMediaDescriptions(true);
// MediaDescription mediaDescription = null;
// String downloadSpeed = "1";
// if (sdpMediaDescriptions.size() > 0) {
// mediaDescription = (MediaDescription) sdpMediaDescriptions.get(0);
// }
// if (mediaDescription != null) {
// downloadSpeed = mediaDescription.getAttribute("downloadspeed");
// }
// sendRtpItem.setPlayType(InviteStreamType.DOWNLOAD);
// int tcpMode = device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-ACTIVE")? 2: (device.getStreamMode().equals("TCP-PASSIVE")? 1:0);
// SSRCInfo ssrcInfo = mediaServerService.openRTPServer(mediaServerItem, null, null,
// device.isSsrcCheck(), true, 0, false,!channel.isHasAudio(), false, tcpMode);
// sendRtpItem.setStream(ssrcInfo.getStream());
// // 写入redis 超时时回复
// redisCatchStorage.updateSendRTPSever(sendRtpItem);
// playService.download(mediaServerItem, ssrcInfo, device.getDeviceId(), channelId, DateUtil.formatter.format(start),
// DateUtil.formatter.format(end), Integer.parseInt(downloadSpeed),
// (code, msg, data) -> {
// if (code == InviteErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
// hookEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// } else if (code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_SIGNALLING_TIMEOUT.getCode() || code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT.getCode()) {
// log.info("[录像下载]超时, 用户:{} 通道:{}", username, channelId);
// redisCatchStorage.deleteSendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, callIdHeader.getCallId(), null);
// errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// } else {
// errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// }
// });
// } else {
// sendRtpItem.setPlayType(InviteStreamType.PLAY);
// String streamId = String.format("%s_%s", device.getDeviceId(), channelId);
// sendRtpItem.setStream(streamId);
// redisCatchStorage.updateSendRTPSever(sendRtpItem);
// SSRCInfo ssrcInfo = playService.play(mediaServerItem, device.getDeviceId(), channelId, ssrc, ((code, msg, data) -> {
// if (code == InviteErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
// hookEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// } else if (code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_SIGNALLING_TIMEOUT.getCode() || code == InviteErrorCode.ERROR_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT.getCode()) {
// log.info("[上级点播]超时, 用户:{} 通道:{}", username, channelId);
// redisCatchStorage.deleteSendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, callIdHeader.getCallId(), null);
// errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// } else {
// errorEvent.run(code, msg, data);
// }
// }));
// sendRtpItem.setSsrc(ssrcInfo.getSsrc());
// redisCatchStorage.updateSendRTPSever(sendRtpItem);
// }
// } else if (gbStream != null) {
// SendRtpItem sendRtpItem = new SendRtpItem();
// if (!userSetting.getUseCustomSsrcForParentInvite() && gb28181Sdp.getSsrc() != null) {
// sendRtpItem.setSsrc(gb28181Sdp.getSsrc());
// }
// if (tcpActive != null) {
// sendRtpItem.setTcpActive(tcpActive);
// }
// sendRtpItem.setTcp(mediaTransmissionTCP);
// sendRtpItem.setRtcp(platform.isRtcp());
// sendRtpItem.setPlatformName(platform.getName());
// sendRtpItem.setPlatformId(platform.getServerGBId());
// sendRtpItem.setMediaServerId(mediaServerItem.getId());
// sendRtpItem.setChannelId(channelId);
// sendRtpItem.setIp(addressStr);
// sendRtpItem.setPort(port);
// sendRtpItem.setUsePs(true);
// sendRtpItem.setApp(gbStream.getApp());
// sendRtpItem.setStream(gbStream.getStream());
// sendRtpItem.setCallId(callIdHeader.getCallId());
// sendRtpItem.setFromTag(request.getFromTag());
// sendRtpItem.setOnlyAudio(false);
// sendRtpItem.setStatus(0);
// sendRtpItem.setSessionName(sessionName);
// // 清理可能存在的缓存避免用到旧的数据
// List<SendRtpItem> sendRtpItemList = redisCatchStorage.querySendRTPServer(platform.getServerGBId(), channelId, gbStream.getStream());
// if (!sendRtpItemList.isEmpty()) {
// for (SendRtpItem rtpItem : sendRtpItemList) {
// redisCatchStorage.deleteSendRTPServer(rtpItem);
// }
// }
// if ("push".equals(gbStream.getStreamType())) {
// sendRtpItem.setPlayType(InviteStreamType.PUSH);
// if (streamPushItem != null) {
// // 从redis查询是否正在接收这个推流
// MediaInfo mediaInfo = redisCatchStorage.getPushListItem(gbStream.getApp(), gbStream.getStream());
// if (mediaInfo != null) {
// sendRtpItem.setServerId(mediaInfo.getServerId());
// sendRtpItem.setMediaServerId(mediaInfo.getMediaServer().getId());
// redisCatchStorage.updateSendRTPSever(sendRtpItem);
// // 开始推流
// sendPushStream(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
// }else {
// if (!platform.isStartOfflinePush()) {
// // 平台设置中关闭了拉起离线的推流则直接回复
// try {
// log.info("[上级点播] 失败推流设备未推流channel: {}, app: {}, stream: {}", sendRtpItem.getChannelId(), sendRtpItem.getApp(), sendRtpItem.getStream());
// responseAck(request, Response.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, "channel stream not pushing");
// } catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
// log.error("[命令发送失败] invite 通道未推流: {}", e.getMessage());
// }
// return;
// }
// notifyPushStreamOnline(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
// }
// }
// } else if ("proxy".equals(gbStream.getStreamType())) {
// if (null != proxyByAppAndStream) {
// sendRtpItem.setServerId(userSetting.getServerId());
// if (sendRtpItem.getSsrc() == null) {
// // 上级平台点播时不使用上级平台指定的ssrc使用自定义的ssrc参考国标文档-点播外域设备媒体流SSRC处理方式
// String ssrc = "Play".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionName) ? ssrcFactory.getPlaySsrc(mediaServerItem.getId()) : ssrcFactory.getPlayBackSsrc(mediaServerItem.getId());
// sendRtpItem.setSsrc(ssrc);
// }
// MediaInfo mediaInfo = redisCatchStorage.getProxyStream(gbStream.getApp(), gbStream.getStream());
// if (mediaInfo != null) {
// sendProxyStream(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
// } else {
// //开启代理拉流
// notifyProxyStreamOnline(sendRtpItem, mediaServerItem, platform, request);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } catch (SdpParseException e) {
// log.error("sdp解析错误", e);
// } catch (SdpException e) {
// log.error("未处理的异常 ", e);
// }
private InviteInfo decode(RequestEvent evt) throws SdpException {
@ -688,6 +712,42 @@ public class InviteRequestProcessor extends SIPRequestProcessorParent implements
private String createSendSdp(SendRtpItem sendRtpItem, InviteInfo inviteInfo, String sdpIp) {
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(200);
content.append("o=" + inviteInfo.getChannelId() + " 0 0 IN IP4 " + sdpIp + "\r\n");
content.append("s=" + inviteInfo.getSessionName() + "\r\n");
content.append("c=IN IP4 " + sdpIp + "\r\n");
if ("Playback".equalsIgnoreCase(inviteInfo.getSessionName())) {
content.append("t=" + inviteInfo.getStartTime() + " " + inviteInfo.getStopTime() + "\r\n");
} else {
content.append("t=0 0\r\n");
if (sendRtpItem.isTcp()) {
content.append("m=video " + sendRtpItem.getLocalPort() + " TCP/RTP/AVP 96\r\n");
if (!sendRtpItem.isTcpActive()) {
} else {
}else {
content.append("m=video " + sendRtpItem.getLocalPort() + " RTP/AVP 96\r\n");
content.append("a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n");
content.append("y=" + sendRtpItem.getSsrc() + "\r\n");
return content.toString();
private void sendBye(Platform platform, String callId) {
try {
cmderFroPlatform.streamByeCmd(platform, callId);
} catch (SipException | InvalidArgumentException | ParseException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] 上级Invite 发送BYE: {}", e.getMessage());
private void startSendRtpStreamHand(RequestEvent evt, SendRtpItem sendRtpItem, Platform parentPlatform,
JSONObject jsonObject, Map<String, Object> param, CallIdHeader callIdHeader) {
if (jsonObject == null) {

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.VideoManagerConstants;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.MediaConfig;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.UserSetting;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.exception.ControllerException;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean.PlayException;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean.SendRtpItem;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.session.SSRCFactory;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.bean.MediaInfo;
@ -878,8 +879,8 @@ public class MediaServerServiceImpl implements IMediaServerService {
String app, String stream, String channelId, boolean tcp, boolean rtcp){
int localPort = sendRtpPortManager.getNextPort(serverItem);
if (localPort == 0) {
return null;
if (localPort <= 0) {
throw new PlayException(javax.sip.message.Response.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR, "server internal error");
SendRtpItem sendRtpItem = new SendRtpItem();