
648540858 2024-07-09 17:55:51 +08:00
parent 2235caca36
commit 046e7802f3
14 changed files with 295 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -32,87 +32,138 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
@Update(value = {" <script>" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel " +
"SET update_time=#{updateTime}" +
", custom_name=#{name}" +
"<if test='manufacture != null'>, manufacture=#{manufacture}</if>" +
"<if test='model != null'>, model=#{model}</if>" +
"<if test='owner != null'>, owner=#{owner}</if>" +
"<if test='civilCode != null'>, civil_code=#{civilCode}</if>" +
"<if test='block != null'>, block=#{block}</if>" +
"<if test='address != null'>, address=#{address}</if>" +
"<if test='parental != null'>, parental=#{parental}</if>" +
"<if test='parentId != null'>, parent_id=#{parentId}</if>" +
"<if test='safetyWay != null'>, safety_way=#{safetyWay}</if>" +
"<if test='registerWay != null'>, register_way=#{registerWay}</if>" +
"<if test='certNum != null'>, cert_num=#{certNum}</if>" +
"<if test='certifiable != null'>, certifiable=#{certifiable}</if>" +
"<if test='errCode != null'>, err_code=#{errCode}</if>" +
"<if test='secrecy != null'>, secrecy=#{secrecy}</if>" +
"<if test='ipAddress != null'>, ip_address=#{ipAddress}</if>" +
"<if test='port != null'>, port=#{port}</if>" +
"<if test='password != null'>, password=#{password}</if>" +
"<if test='ptzType != null'>, custom_ptz_type=#{ptzType}</if>" +
"<if test='status != null'>, status=#{status}</if>" +
"<if test='streamId != null'>, stream_id=#{streamId}</if>" +
"<if test='hasAudio != null'>, has_audio=#{hasAudio}</if>" +
"<if test='customLongitude != null'>, custom_longitude=#{customLongitude}</if>" +
"<if test='customLatitude != null'>, custom_latitude=#{customLatitude}</if>" +
"<if test='longitudeGcj02 != null'>, longitude_gcj02=#{longitudeGcj02}</if>" +
"<if test='latitudeGcj02 != null'>, latitude_gcj02=#{latitudeGcj02}</if>" +
"<if test='longitudeWgs84 != null'>, longitude_wgs84=#{longitudeWgs84}</if>" +
"<if test='latitudeWgs84 != null'>, latitude_wgs84=#{latitudeWgs84}</if>" +
"<if test='businessGroupId != null'>, business_group_id=#{businessGroupId}</if>" +
"<if test='gpsTime != null'>, gps_time=#{gpsTime}</if>" +
"<if test='streamIdentification != null'>, stream_identification=#{streamIdentification}</if>" +
"WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} AND channel_id=#{channelId}"+
", device_id=#{deviceId}" +
", device_db_id=#{deviceDbId}" +
", name=#{name}" +
", manufacture=#{manufacture}" +
", model=#{model}" +
", owner=#{owner}" +
", civil_code=#{civilCode}" +
", block=#{block}" +
", address=#{address}" +
", parental=#{parental}" +
", parent_id=#{parentId}" +
", safety_way=#{safetyWay}" +
", register_way=#{registerWay}" +
", cert_num=#{certNum}" +
", certifiable=#{certifiable}" +
", err_code=#{errCode}" +
", end_time=#{endTime}" +
", secrecy=#{secrecy}" +
", ip_address=#{ipAddress}" +
", port=#{port}" +
", password=#{password}" +
", status=#{status}" +
", longitude=#{longitude}" +
", latitude=#{latitude}" +
", ptz_type=#{ptzType}" +
", position_type=#{positionType}" +
", room_type=#{roomType}" +
", use_type=#{useType}" +
", supply_light_type=#{supplyLightType}" +
", direction_type=#{directionType}" +
", resolution=#{resolution}" +
", business_group_id=#{businessGroupId}" +
", download_speed=#{downloadSpeed}" +
", svc_space_support_mod=#{svcSpaceSupportMod}" +
", svc_time_support_mode=#{svcTimeSupportMode}" +
", sub_countstream_id=#{subCountstreamId}" +
", has_audio=#{hasAudio}" +
", gps_time=#{gpsTime}" +
", stream_identification=#{streamIdentification}" +
"WHERE id=#{id}"+
" </script>"})
int update(DeviceChannel channel);
@Update(value = {" <script>" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel " +
"SET update_time=#{updateTime}" +
", gb_name = #{gbName}" +
", gb_manufacturer = #{gbManufacturer}" +
", gb_model = #{gbModel}" +
", gb_owner = #{gbOwner}" +
", gb_civil_code = #{gbCivilCode}" +
", gb_block = #{gbBlock}" +
", gb_address = #{gbAddress}" +
", gb_parental = #{gbParental}" +
", gb_parent_id = #{gbParentId}" +
", gb_safety_way = #{gbSafetyWay}" +
", gb_register_way = #{gbRegisterWay}" +
", gb_cert_num = #{gbCertNum}" +
", gb_certifiable = #{gbCertifiable}" +
", gb_err_code = #{gbErrCode}" +
", gb_end_time = #{gbEndTime}" +
", gb_secrecy = #{gbSecrecy}" +
", gb_ip_address = #{gbIpAddress}" +
", gb_port = #{gbPort}" +
", gb_password = #{gbPassword}" +
", gb_status = #{gbStatus}" +
", gb_longitude = #{gbLongitude}" +
", gb_latitude = #{gbLatitude}" +
", gb_ptz_type = #{gbPtzType}" +
", gb_position_type = #{gbPositionType}" +
", gb_room_type = #{gbRoomType}" +
", gb_use_type = #{gbUseType}" +
", gb_supply_light_type = #{gbSupplyLightType}" +
", gb_direction_type = #{gbDirectionType}" +
", gb_resolution = #{gbResolution}" +
", gb_business_group_id = #{gbBusinessGroupId}" +
", gb_download_speed = #{gbDownloadSpeed}" +
", gb_svc_space_support_mod = #{gbSvcSpaceSupportMod}" +
", gb_svc_time_support_mode = #{gbSvcTimeSupportMode}" +
"WHERE id = #{id}"+
" </script>"})
int updateCustomInfo(DeviceChannel channel);
@Select(value = {" <script>" +
"dc.id, " +
"dc.channel_id, " +
"COALESCE(dc.custom_name, dc.name) AS name, " +
"dc.manufacture, " +
"dc.model, " +
"dc.owner, " +
"dc.civil_code, " +
"dc.block, " +
"dc.address, " +
"dc.parent_id, " +
"dc.safety_way, " +
"dc.register_way, " +
"dc.cert_num, " +
"dc.certifiable, " +
"dc.err_code, " +
"dc.end_time, " +
"dc.secrecy, " +
"dc.ip_address, " +
"dc.port, " +
"dc.password, " +
"COALESCE(dc.custom_ptz_type, dc.ptz_type) AS ptz_type, " +
"dc.status, " +
"dc.longitude, " +
"dc.latitude, " +
"dc.custom_longitude, " +
"dc.custom_latitude, " +
"dc.stream_id, " +
"dc.device_id, " +
"dc.parental, " +
"dc.has_audio, " +
"dc.create_time, " +
"dc.update_time, " +
"dc.sub_count, " +
"dc.longitude_gcj02, " +
"dc.latitude_gcj02, " +
"dc.longitude_wgs84, " +
"dc.latitude_wgs84, " +
"dc.business_group_id, " +
"dc.stream_identification, " +
"dc.gps_time " +
"from " +
"wvp_device_channel dc " +
"WHERE " +
"dc.device_id = #{deviceId} " +
" dc.device_db_id,\n" +
" dc.create_time,\n" +
" dc.update_time,\n" +
" dc.sub_count,\n" +
" dc.stream_id,\n" +
" dc.has_audio,\n" +
" dc.gps_time,\n" +
" dc.stream_identification,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_device_id, dc.device_id) as device_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_name, dc.name) as name,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_manufacturer, dc.manufacturer) as manufacturer,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_model, dc.model) as model,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_owner, dc.owner) as owner,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_civil_code, dc.civil_code) as civil_code,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_block, dc.block) as block,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_address, dc.address) as address,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_parental, dc.parental) as parental,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_parent_id, dc.parent_id) as parent_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_safety_way, dc.safety_way) as safety_way,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_register_way, dc.register_way) as register_way,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_cert_num, dc.cert_num) as cert_num,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_certifiable, dc.certifiable) as certifiable,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_err_code, dc.err_code) as err_code,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_end_time, dc.end_time) as end_time,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_secrecy, dc.secrecy) as secrecy,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_ip_address, dc.ip_address) as ip_address,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_port, dc.port) as port,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_password, dc.password) as password,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_status, dc.status) as status,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_longitude, dc.longitude) as longitude,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_latitude, dc.latitude) as latitude,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_ptz_type, dc.ptz_type) as ptz_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_position_type, dc.position_type) as position_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_room_type, dc.room_type) as room_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_use_type, dc.use_type) as use_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_supply_light_type, dc.supply_light_type) as supply_light_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_direction_type, dc.direction_type) as direction_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_resolution, dc.resolution) as resolution,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_business_group_id, dc.business_group_id) as business_group_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_download_speed, dc.download_speed) as download_speed,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_svc_space_support_mod, dc.svc_space_support_mod) as svc_space_support_mod,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_svc_time_support_mode dc.svc_time_support_mode) as svc_time_support_mode\n" +
" from " +
" wvp_device_channel dc " +
" left join wvp_device d on d.id=dc.device_db_id" +
" WHERE " +
" d.device_id = #{deviceId} " +
" <if test='query != null'> AND (" +
"dc.channel_id LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%') " +
"OR dc.name LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%') " +
@ -123,13 +174,64 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status= false</if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == true' > AND dc.sub_count > 0 </if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == false' > AND dc.sub_count = 0 </if>" +
"<if test='channelIds != null'> AND dc.channel_id in <foreach item='item' index='index' collection='channelIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
"<if test='channelIds != null'> AND dc.device_id in <foreach item='item' index='index' collection='channelIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
"#{item} " +
"</foreach> </if>" +
"ORDER BY dc.channel_id " +
" </script>"})
List<DeviceChannel> queryChannels(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId, @Param("parentChannelId") String parentChannelId, @Param("query") String query, @Param("hasSubChannel") Boolean hasSubChannel, @Param("online") Boolean online, @Param("channelIds") List<String> channelIds);
@Select("select\n" +
" id,\n" +
" device_db_id,\n" +
" create_time,\n" +
" update_time,\n" +
" sub_count,\n" +
" stream_id,\n" +
" has_audio,\n" +
" gps_time,\n" +
" stream_identification,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_device_id, device_id) as device_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_name, name) as name,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_manufacturer, manufacturer) as manufacturer,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_model, model) as model,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_owner, owner) as owner,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_civil_code, civil_code) as civil_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_block, block) as block,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_address, address) as address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parental, parental) as parental,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parent_id, parent_id) as parent_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_safety_way, safety_way) as safety_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_register_way, register_way) as register_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_cert_num, cert_num) as cert_num,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_certifiable, certifiable) as certifiable,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_err_code, err_code) as err_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_end_time, end_time) as end_time,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_secrecy, secrecy) as secrecy,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ip_address, ip_address) as ip_address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_port, port) as port,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_password, password) as password,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_status, status) as status,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_longitude, longitude) as longitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_latitude, latitude) as latitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ptz_type, ptz_type) as ptz_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_position_type, position_type) as position_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_room_type, room_type) as room_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_use_type, use_type) as use_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_supply_light_type, supply_light_type) as supply_light_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_direction_type, direction_type) as direction_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_resolution, resolution) as resolution,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_business_group_id, business_group_id) as business_group_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_download_speed, download_speed) as download_speed,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_space_support_mod, svc_space_support_mod) as svc_space_support_mod,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_time_support_mode svc_time_support_mode) as svc_time_support_mode\n" +
"from wvp_device_channel\n" +
"where device_db_id = #{deviceDbId}")
List<DeviceChannel> queryChannelsByDeviceDbId(@Param("deviceDbId") int deviceDbId);
@Select(value = {" <script>" +
"dc.*, " +
@ -137,55 +239,75 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
"de.on_line as device_online " +
"from " +
"wvp_device_channel dc " +
"LEFT JOIN wvp_device de ON dc.device_id = de.device_id " +
"LEFT JOIN wvp_device de ON dc.device_db_id = de.id " +
"WHERE 1=1" +
" <if test='deviceId != null'> AND dc.device_id = #{deviceId} </if> " +
" <if test='deviceId != null'> AND de.device_id = #{deviceId} </if> " +
" <if test='query != null'> AND (dc.channel_id LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%')</if> " +
" <if test='parentChannelId != null'> AND dc.parent_id=#{parentChannelId} </if> " +
" <if test='online == true' > AND dc.status=true</if>" +
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status=false</if>" +
" <if test='online == true' > AND dc.status=1</if>" +
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status=0</if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == true' > AND dc.sub_count > 0 </if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == false' > AND dc.sub_count = 0 </if>" +
"<if test='channelIds != null'> AND dc.channel_id in <foreach item='item' index='index' collection='channelIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
"<if test='channelIds != null'> AND dc.device_id in <foreach item='item' index='index' collection='channelIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
"#{item} " +
"</foreach> </if>" +
"ORDER BY dc.channel_id ASC" +
" </script>"})
List<DeviceChannelExtend> queryChannelsWithDeviceInfo(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId, @Param("parentChannelId") String parentChannelId, @Param("query") String query, @Param("hasSubChannel") Boolean hasSubChannel, @Param("online") Boolean online, @Param("channelIds") List<String> channelIds);
@Select(value = {" <script>" +
"dc.*, " +
"de.name as device_name, " +
"de.on_line as device_online " +
"from " +
"wvp_device_channel dc " +
"LEFT JOIN wvp_device de ON dc.device_id = de.device_id " +
"WHERE 1=1" +
" <if test='deviceId != null'> AND dc.device_id = #{deviceId} </if> " +
" <if test='query != null'> AND (dc.channel_id LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%')</if> " +
" <if test='parentChannelId != null'> AND dc.parent_id=#{parentChannelId} </if> " +
" <if test='online == true' > AND dc.status=true</if>" +
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status=false</if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == true' > AND dc.sub_count > 0 </if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == false' > AND dc.sub_count = 0 </if>" +
"<if test='channelIds != null'> AND dc.channel_id in <foreach item='item' index='index' collection='channelIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
"#{item} " +
"</foreach> </if>" +
"ORDER BY dc.channel_id ASC " +
"Limit #{limit} OFFSET #{start}" +
" </script>"})
List<DeviceChannelExtend> queryChannelsByDeviceIdWithStartAndLimit(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId, @Param("channelIds") List<String> channelIds, @Param("parentChannelId") String parentChannelId, @Param("query") String query, @Param("hasSubChannel") Boolean hasSubChannel, @Param("online") Boolean online, @Param("start") int start, @Param("limit") int limit);
@Select("SELECT * FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} AND channel_id=#{channelId}")
@Select("SELECT " +
" dc.device_db_id,\n" +
" dc.create_time,\n" +
" dc.update_time,\n" +
" dc.sub_count,\n" +
" dc.stream_id,\n" +
" dc.has_audio,\n" +
" dc.gps_time,\n" +
" dc.stream_identification,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_device_id, dc.device_id) as device_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_name, dc.name) as name,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_manufacturer, dc.manufacturer) as manufacturer,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_model, dc.model) as model,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_owner, dc.owner) as owner,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_civil_code, dc.civil_code) as civil_code,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_block, dc.block) as block,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_address, dc.address) as address,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_parental, dc.parental) as parental,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_parent_id, dc.parent_id) as parent_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_safety_way, dc.safety_way) as safety_way,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_register_way, dc.register_way) as register_way,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_cert_num, dc.cert_num) as cert_num,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_certifiable, dc.certifiable) as certifiable,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_err_code, dc.err_code) as err_code,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_end_time, dc.end_time) as end_time,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_secrecy, dc.secrecy) as secrecy,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_ip_address, dc.ip_address) as ip_address,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_port, dc.port) as port,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_password, dc.password) as password,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_status, dc.status) as status,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_longitude, dc.longitude) as longitude,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_latitude, dc.latitude) as latitude,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_ptz_type, dc.ptz_type) as ptz_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_position_type, dc.position_type) as position_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_room_type, dc.room_type) as room_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_use_type, dc.use_type) as use_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_supply_light_type, dc.supply_light_type) as supply_light_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_direction_type, dc.direction_type) as direction_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_resolution, dc.resolution) as resolution,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_business_group_id, dc.business_group_id) as business_group_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_download_speed, dc.download_speed) as download_speed,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_svc_space_support_mod, dc.svc_space_support_mod) as svc_space_support_mod,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_svc_time_support_mode dc.svc_time_support_mode) as svc_time_support_mode\n" +
" FROM wvp_device_channel dc " +
" left join wvp_device d on d.id=dc.device_db_id" +
" WHERE d.device_id=#{deviceId} AND dc.device_id=#{channelId}")
DeviceChannel queryChannel(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId,@Param("channelId") String channelId);
@Delete("DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_id=#{deviceId}")
int cleanChannelsByDeviceId(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId);
@Delete("DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_db_id=#{deviceId}")
int cleanChannelsByDeviceId(@Param("deviceId") int deviceId);
@Delete("DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} AND channel_id=#{channelId}")
int del(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId, @Param("channelId") String channelId);
@Delete("DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE id=#{id}")
int del(@Param("id") int id);
@Update(value = {"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET stream_id=null WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} AND channel_id=#{channelId}"})
void stopPlay(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId, @Param("channelId") String channelId);

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class CatalogDataCatch {
if (catalogData.getTotal() == catalogData.getChannelList().size()) {
deviceChannelService.resetChannels(catalogData.getDevice().getDeviceId(), catalogData.getChannelList());
}else {
deviceChannelService.updateChannels(catalogData.getDevice().getDeviceId(), catalogData.getChannelList());
deviceChannelService.updateChannels(catalogData.getDevice(), catalogData.getChannelList());
String errorMsg = "更新成功,共" + catalogData.getTotal() + "条,已更新" + catalogData.getChannelList().size() + "条";

View File

@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ public class ByeRequestProcessor extends SIPRequestProcessorParent implements In
private IDeviceService deviceService;
private IDeviceChannelService deviceChannelService;
private AudioBroadcastManager audioBroadcastManager;
@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ public class ByeRequestProcessor extends SIPRequestProcessorParent implements In
InviteInfo inviteInfo = inviteStreamService.getInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY,
device.getDeviceId(), channel.getDeviceId());
if (inviteInfo != null) {
storager.stopPlay(ssrcTransaction.getDeviceId(), channel.getDeviceId());
deviceChannelService.stopPlay(ssrcTransaction.getDeviceId(), channel.getDeviceId());
if (inviteInfo.getStreamInfo() != null) {
mediaServerService.closeRTPServer(inviteInfo.getStreamInfo().getMediaServerId(), inviteInfo.getStreamInfo().getStream());

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class CatalogResponseMessageHandler extends SIPRequestProcessorParent imp
if (sumNum == 0) {
log.info("[收到通道]设备:{}的: 0个", take.getDevice().getDeviceId());
// 数据已经完整接收
catalogDataCatch.setChannelSyncEnd(take.getDevice().getDeviceId(), null);
} else {
Iterator<Element> deviceListIterator = deviceListElement.elementIterator();

View File

@ -24,11 +24,8 @@ public interface IDeviceChannelService {
* @param deviceId id
* @param channels
int updateChannels(String deviceId, List<DeviceChannel> channels);
int updateChannels(Device device, List<DeviceChannel> channels);
@ -93,7 +90,10 @@ public interface IDeviceChannelService {
void updateChannelGPS(Device device, DeviceChannel deviceChannel, MobilePosition mobilePosition);
void startPlay(String deviceId, String channelId, String stream);
void stopPlay(String deviceId, String channelId);
void batchUpdateChannelGPS(List<DeviceChannel> channelList);
void batchAddMobilePosition(List<MobilePosition> addMobilePositionList);
@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ public interface IDeviceChannelService {
void delete(DeviceChannel channel);
void cleanChannelsForDevice(String deviceId);
void cleanChannelsForDevice(int deviceId);
boolean resetChannels(String deviceId, List<DeviceChannel> deviceChannels);

View File

@ -84,17 +84,16 @@ public class DeviceChannelServiceImpl implements IDeviceChannelService {
public int updateChannels(String deviceId, List<DeviceChannel> channels) {
public int updateChannels(Device device, List<DeviceChannel> channels) {
List<DeviceChannel> addChannels = new ArrayList<>();
List<DeviceChannel> updateChannels = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<String, DeviceChannel> channelsInStore = new HashMap<>();
Device device = deviceMapper.getDeviceByDeviceId(deviceId);
if (channels != null && channels.size() > 0) {
List<DeviceChannel> channelList = channelMapper.queryChannels(deviceId, null, null, null, null,null);
if (channelList.size() == 0) {
List<DeviceChannel> channelList = channelMapper.queryChannelsByDeviceDbId(device.getId());
if (channelList.isEmpty()) {
for (DeviceChannel channel : channels) {
InviteInfo inviteInfo = inviteStreamService.getInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, deviceId, channel.getDeviceId());
InviteInfo inviteInfo = inviteStreamService.getInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, device.getDeviceId(), channel.getDeviceId());
if (inviteInfo != null && inviteInfo.getStreamInfo() != null) {
@ -108,8 +107,8 @@ public class DeviceChannelServiceImpl implements IDeviceChannelService {
channelsInStore.put(deviceChannel.getDeviceId(), deviceChannel);
for (DeviceChannel channel : channels) {
InviteInfo inviteInfo = inviteStreamService.getInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, deviceId, channel.getDeviceId());
InviteInfo inviteInfo = inviteStreamService.getInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, device.getDeviceId(), channel.getDeviceId());
if (inviteInfo != null && inviteInfo.getStreamInfo() != null) {
@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ public class DeviceChannelServiceImpl implements IDeviceChannelService {
public void delete(DeviceChannel channel) {
channelMapper.del(channel.getDeviceId(), channel.getDeviceId());
@ -344,6 +343,11 @@ public class DeviceChannelServiceImpl implements IDeviceChannelService {
public void startPlay(String deviceId, String channelId, String stream) {
channelMapper.startPlay(deviceId, channelId, stream);
public void stopPlay(String deviceId, String channelId) {
channelMapper.stopPlay(deviceId, channelId);
@ -393,7 +397,7 @@ public class DeviceChannelServiceImpl implements IDeviceChannelService {
public void cleanChannelsForDevice(String deviceId) {
public void cleanChannelsForDevice(int deviceId) {

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.CommonCallback;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.VideoManagerConstants;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.DynamicTask;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.UserSetting;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.exception.ControllerException;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean.*;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.session.AudioBroadcastManager;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.session.VideoStreamSessionManager;
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.dao.DeviceChannelMapper;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.dao.DeviceMapper;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.dao.PlatformChannelMapper;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.utils.DateUtil;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.vmanager.bean.ErrorCode;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.vmanager.bean.ResourceBaseInfo;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@ -409,7 +411,7 @@ public class DeviceServiceImpl implements IDeviceService {
if (!deviceChannels.isEmpty()) {
List<DeviceChannel> deviceChannelsForStore = new ArrayList<>();
deviceChannelService.updateChannels(device.getDeviceId(), deviceChannelsForStore);
deviceChannelService.updateChannels(device, deviceChannelsForStore);
@ -545,11 +547,15 @@ public class DeviceServiceImpl implements IDeviceService {
public boolean delete(String deviceId) {
Device device = deviceMapper.getDeviceByDeviceId(deviceId);
if (device == null) {
throw new ControllerException(ErrorCode.ERROR100.getCode(), "未找到设备:" + deviceId);
TransactionStatus transactionStatus = dataSourceTransactionManager.getTransaction(transactionDefinition);
boolean result = false;
try {
if ( deviceMapper.del(deviceId) < 0 ) {

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.common.VideoManagerConstants;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.conf.UserSetting;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.event.media.MediaArrivalEvent;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.event.media.MediaDepartureEvent;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IDeviceChannelService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IInviteStreamService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.ErrorCallback;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.storager.IVideoManagerStorage;
@ -39,6 +40,9 @@ public class InviteStreamServiceImpl implements IInviteStreamService {
private IVideoManagerStorage storage;
private IDeviceChannelService deviceChannelService;
private UserSetting userSetting;
@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ public class InviteStreamServiceImpl implements IInviteStreamService {
InviteInfo inviteInfo = getInviteInfoByStream(null, event.getStream());
if (inviteInfo != null && (inviteInfo.getType() == InviteSessionType.PLAY || inviteInfo.getType() == InviteSessionType.PLAYBACK)) {
storage.stopPlay(inviteInfo.getDeviceId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());
deviceChannelService.stopPlay(inviteInfo.getDeviceId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());

View File

@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.transmit.cmd.ISIPCommanderForPlatform;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.bean.MediaServer;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.bean.ResultForOnPublish;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.zlm.dto.StreamAuthorityInfo;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IDeviceService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IInviteStreamService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IMediaService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IUserService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.*;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.storager.IRedisCatchStorage;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.storager.IVideoManagerStorage;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.streamProxy.bean.StreamProxy;
@ -59,6 +56,9 @@ public class MediaServiceImpl implements IMediaService {
private IInviteStreamService inviteStreamService;
private IDeviceChannelService deviceChannelService;
private VideoStreamSessionManager sessionManager;
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ public class MediaServiceImpl implements IMediaService {
inviteStreamService.removeInviteInfo(inviteInfo.getType(), inviteInfo.getDeviceId(),
inviteInfo.getChannelId(), inviteInfo.getStream());
storager.stopPlay(inviteInfo.getDeviceId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());
deviceChannelService.stopPlay(inviteInfo.getDeviceId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());
return result;
SendRtpItem sendRtpItem = redisCatchStorage.querySendRTPServer(null, null, stream, null);

View File

@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ public class PlayServiceImpl implements IPlayService {
}else {
// 点播发起了但是尚未成功, 仅注册回调等待结果即可
inviteStreamService.once(InviteSessionType.PLAY, deviceId, channelId, null, callback);
storager.stopPlay(streamInfo.getDeviceID(), streamInfo.getChannelId());
channelService.stopPlay(streamInfo.getDeviceID(), streamInfo.getChannelId());
inviteStreamService.removeInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, deviceId, channelId);
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ public class PlayServiceImpl implements IPlayService {
DeviceChannel deviceChannel = storager.queryChannel(deviceId, channelId);
if (deviceChannel != null) {
storager.startPlay(deviceId, channelId, streamInfo.getStream());
channelService.startPlay(deviceId, channelId, streamInfo.getStream());
InviteInfo inviteInfo = inviteStreamService.getInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, deviceId, channelId);
if (inviteInfo != null) {
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ public class PlayServiceImpl implements IPlayService {
DeviceChannel deviceChannel = storager.queryChannel(deviceId, channelId);
if (deviceChannel != null) {
storager.startPlay(deviceId, channelId, streamInfo.getStream());
channelService.startPlay(deviceId, channelId, streamInfo.getStream());
InviteInfo inviteInfo = inviteStreamService.getInviteInfoByStream(InviteSessionType.PLAYBACK, mediaInfo.getStream());
if (inviteInfo != null) {
@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ public class PlayServiceImpl implements IPlayService {
inviteStreamService.removeInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, device.getDeviceId(), channelId);
storager.stopPlay(device.getDeviceId(), channelId);
channelService.stopPlay(device.getDeviceId(), channelId);
channelService.stopPlay(device.getDeviceId(), channelId);
if (inviteInfo.getStreamInfo() != null) {
mediaServerService.closeRTPServer(inviteInfo.getStreamInfo().getMediaServerId(), inviteInfo.getStream());

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@ -24,21 +24,6 @@ public interface IVideoManagerStorage {
* @return true: false
public boolean exists(String deviceId);
* @param deviceId id
* @param channelId ID
* @param streamId
public void startPlay(String deviceId, String channelId, String streamId);
* @param deviceId id
* @param channelId ID
public void stopPlay(String deviceId, String channelId);

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@ -104,16 +104,6 @@ public class VideoManagerStorageImpl implements IVideoManagerStorage {
public void startPlay(String deviceId, String channelId, String streamId) {
deviceChannelMapper.startPlay(deviceId, channelId, streamId);
public void stopPlay(String deviceId, String channelId) {
deviceChannelMapper.stopPlay(deviceId, channelId);

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.transmit.callback.RequestMessage;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.transmit.cmd.impl.SIPCommander;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.bean.MediaServer;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.service.IMediaServerService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IDeviceChannelService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IInviteStreamService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IPlayService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.bean.InviteErrorCode;
@ -74,6 +75,10 @@ public class PlayController {
private UserSetting userSetting;
private IDeviceChannelService deviceChannelService;
@Operation(summary = "开始点播", security = @SecurityRequirement(name = JwtUtils.HEADER))
@Parameter(name = "deviceId", description = "设备国标编号", required = true)
@Parameter(name = "channelId", description = "通道国标编号", required = true)
@ -102,7 +107,7 @@ public class PlayController {
inviteStreamService.removeInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, deviceId, channelId);
storager.stopPlay(deviceId, channelId);
deviceChannelService.stopPlay(deviceId, channelId);
// 录像查询以channelId作为deviceId查询

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean.Device;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.bean.DeviceChannel;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.gb28181.transmit.cmd.impl.SIPCommander;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.media.bean.MediaServer;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IDeviceChannelService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IDeviceService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IInviteStreamService;
import com.genersoft.iot.vmp.service.IPlayService;
@ -46,6 +47,9 @@ public class ApiStreamController {
private IDeviceService deviceService;
private IDeviceChannelService deviceChannelService;
private IPlayService playService;
@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ public class ApiStreamController {
inviteStreamService.removeInviteInfoByDeviceAndChannel(InviteSessionType.PLAY, serial, code);
storager.stopPlay(serial, code);
deviceChannelService.stopPlay(serial, code);
// 清理RTP server
@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ public class ApiStreamController {
return result;
storager.stopPlay(inviteInfo.getDeviceId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());
deviceChannelService.stopPlay(inviteInfo.getDeviceId(), inviteInfo.getChannelId());
return null;